How to Prepare Your Generator for Severe Weather Conditions

covered generator

Severe weather conditions can lead to power outages, leaving you without electricity for hours or even days. Having a generator is a great way to ensure you have a reliable backup power source during these times. However, it's crucial to keep your generator well-maintained and prepared for any weather-related emergencies. In this blog post, we'll share five essential tips to keep your generator ready for severe weather conditions.

1. Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Just like any other piece of equipment, your generator needs regular maintenance to ensure it runs efficiently and reliably. Schedule routine inspections and maintenance with a professional electrical service, like Ben's ProServ, to check for any potential issues and make necessary repairs. Some key maintenance tasks include:

  • Changing the oil and oil filter
  • Checking and replacing air filters
  • Inspecting and cleaning the spark plugs
  • Checking the fuel system for leaks and corrosion
  • Inspecting the electrical components and connections

By keeping your generator well-maintained, you can ensure it's ready to provide power when you need it most.

2. Keep Your Generator Fueled and Stored Properly

During severe weather conditions, you may not have immediate access to fuel. It's essential to keep an adequate supply of fuel stored safely for your generator. Check the manufacturer's recommendations for fuel storage guidelines and follow any local and state regulations for storing fuel safely.

It's also crucial to store your generator in a secure and dry location, protected from the elements. Ensure the area has proper ventilation to avoid any potential carbon monoxide hazards.

3. Install a Transfer Switch

A transfer switch is a crucial component for safely connecting your generator to your home's electrical system. It prevents back-feeding, which can cause damage to your electrical equipment and pose a danger to utility workers. Consult with a professional electrical service like Ben's ProServ to install a transfer switch in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements.

4. Test Your Generator Regularly

It's essential to test your generator regularly to ensure it's working correctly and ready for use during a power outage. Run your generator at least once a month, following the manufacturer's guidelines for testing procedures. This will help identify any potential issues and give you peace of mind knowing your generator is prepared for severe weather conditions.

5. Have a Backup Plan

Even with proper maintenance and preparation, generators can sometimes fail during severe weather conditions. It's essential to have a backup plan in place, such as:

  • Having a portable generator as a secondary power source
  • Investing in a solar-powered charger for essential devices
  • Keeping a supply of batteries and flashlights on hand
  • Having a communication plan with family and neighbors

Being prepared for any situation will help ensure you and your family remain safe and comfortable during a power outage.

In conclusion, taking the time to properly maintain and prepare your generator for severe weather conditions is essential to ensure reliable backup power when you need it most. By following these five tips and working with a professional electrical service like Ben's ProServ, you can have peace of mind knowing your generator is ready to keep your home powered during any weather-related emergencies. Contact us today to schedule a generator maintenance or installation appointment.

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